My first blog post

Wow, my very first blog post…

It’s surprising how easy it is to setup a website with all these functionalities nowadays. I have to give credit to Hugo and their amazing themes for this website, particularly the one I’m using, Academic. I had heard of Jekyll and these other static site generators before, but I never really tried them out. I particularly like that all of the content here is in markdown files.

I don’t have much to say in my first post. In fact, I doubt I’ll even be able to update this blog much. However, I would like to dedicate this post to demonstrating some of the Markdown features in Hugo.


For headers, there are two main kinds. One uses equal signs, the other uses dashes. Alternatively, we can use # symbols to imitate header tags in html.


  Large headers

  Small headers

  # h1 #
  ## h2 ##
  ### h3 ###
  #### h4 ####


Large headers

Small headers






Links are naturally linked as long as we have the protocol, https, in front. We can also alias the links with text. Just don’t forget the https.


[my website](


my website

Text Formatting

Italic, bold, italic and bold. These three are controlled, in order, by having 1, 2, or 3 stars surrounding text. We can also strike through text with <s> tags.


*italic text*

**bold text**

***italic and bold text***

<s>strike through</s>


italic text

bold text

italic and bold text

strike through

Block Quotes

We have the greater than arrow, >, for quoting blocks of text. Use an > for each paragraph.


> Wow, this is a block quote...

> This block quote extends quite long. More than one line!


Wow, this is a block quote…

This block quote extends quite long. More than one line!

Other Stuff

I’m getting tired now, so I will refer information about anything else to Google. Some other capabilities are lists, tables, images, embedded YouTube videos, syntax highlighting, and more…

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